Coloring Letter To Santa Templates Free Printable

4 Coloring Letter To Santa Templates

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Kids always love to share their art work.  Why not let them share it with Santa?

These coloring letter to Santa templates are a great way for kids to be creative and send their Santa wish list and a nice letter to Santa Claus at the North Pole at the same time.

Some of these Santa letter coloring pages are fill-in-the blank and some are blank Santa letters so your kids can write or draw anything they want.

Each letter to Santa coloring page is designed in black and white to make the pictures perfect for coloring in.

If you want to add a separate wish list to your Santa letter, I have some free printable templates here.

For my complete list of 10 different letters to Santa, check out this post.

How To Print The Coloring Letter To Santa Templates

  1. Click the link for the Santa letter coloring page you’d like to print out.
  2. This will directly open the PDF file.
  3. Once the letter to Santa coloring page has opened, click the print icon in the top right corner.
  4. A print menu will pop up.  I’ve designed these with margins but if you’re concerned about the edges of your letter to Santa getting cut off you can change your printer settings in this menu by going to “More Settings” and choosing “Fit To Printable Area”.
  5. Click “Print”.
  6. Have your child color in their letter to Santa Claus and send it to the North Pole.

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Fill-In-The-Blank Coloring Letter To Santa Templates

These Santa letter coloring pages make it quick and easy to send a note to Santa with your child’s wish list.

I also have other fill in the blank letter to Santa templates here.

Checking His List Santa Letter Coloring Page

This “Dear Santa” letter allows your child to say how old they are, if they’ve been naughty or nice, who their favorite reindeer is and draw a picture for Santa.

This is an easy way to write a letter to Santa Claus with a cute coloring page.

Free Printable Fill in the blank letter to Santa coloring page

Simple Fill In The Blank Coloring Letter To Santa Template

This coloring Santa letter is super easy and quick to fill out and send off to Santa Claus.

Let your child color in the pictures and help them fill in the blanks on this write a letter to Santa template.

You can have this finished and ready to go in a matter of minutes.

Fill in the blank Letter To Santa Coloring Page Free Printable

Blank Coloring Letter To Santa Templates

You can see all of my blank letter to Santa templates here.

Gingerbread Blank Dear Santa Letter Coloring Page

This cute blank letter to Santa coloring sheet lets your kids write anything they want when they write their letter to Santa.

Older kids will appreciate being able to use their writing skills to tell Santa their Christmas wish.

Blank coloring letter to santa with pictures of gingerbread men and women, the north pole and elves with santa, Dear Santa coloring letter template

Blank Dear Santa Coloring Page For Toddlers

This letter to Santa coloring page template is my favorite for toddlers, preschool kids, and kindergarten kids to write a letter to Santa.

They can draw a picture of their Christmas wish for Santa Claus.

The cartoon Christmas elf and Santa make it a cute coloring page  Xmas letter too.

Blank Coloring Letter To Santa Drawing Page with elf

Want to send a letter back to your child from Santa?  Check out my cute letter from Santa templates.

You can also include a nice list certificate to reward your kids for their good behavior.

Free printable Santa nice list certificate

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