Dollar Tree Valentine gnome diy

Cute Dollar Tree Valentine Gnomes DIY

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DIY Dollar Tree Valentine Gnome

These cute little Dollar Tree Valentine gnomes are so quick and easy to make.  They’re the perfect size for sitting on a Valentine tiered tray or for giving an inexpensive Valentine gift to a friend or coworker.

In this post you’ll find the full instructions for making an easy DIY Valentine gnome from socks or mittens you can find at Dollar Tree.

These adorable gnomes are a no sew Valentine craft so you can make your own homemade gnomes in only a few minutes.

These gnome Valentine decorations are a smaller size.  Not super tiny mini size, but small enough to sit on a tiered tray for Valentine’s Day.

This would be a fun Valentine craft to do for girls’ night or craft night to make some cute Valentine decorations or gifts.

If you want some other fun Valentine DIY ideas, check these out.

You can find most everything you need to make this Valentine gnome craft at Dollar Tree or in your own home.  I’ve provided Amazon links in case some items aren’t available at your Dollar Tree store.

This post contains affiliate links.  See my disclosure here.

Materials you’ll need to make this Dollar Tree Valentine gnome:

Instructions for making DIY Valentine gnomes:

Cut the mittens or socks.

If you’re using socks, cut both socks just below the heel so you have only the bottom portion of the sock.  If using mittens, cut both mittens just below the thumb so you have only the portion where the fingers fit in.

cutting mittens for diy Valentine gnome

Weight the gnome’s body.

In one piece of mitten or sock, place whatever you’ve chosen to add weight (marbles, rice, bath salts).

You won’t need a lot.  Just enough for the gnome to stand up.

weight your diy gnome with marbles

Stuff the gnome’s body.

Add a little Polyfil to fill the body the rest of the way.

Be sure to leave enough fabric at the top to gather it.

If you don’t want to buy Polyfil, you can use some stuffing from an old pillow or stuffed toy.

stuff the gnome's body

Secure the opening on the body.

Gather the opening of the mitten/sock and put an elastic band around it.

secure the opening on the gnome's body

Make the gnome nose.

Cut off a small piece of stocking and wrap it around a small pom pom.  Secure the stocking with an elastic band.

Then cut off the excess stocking.

making the gnome nose

making a diy gnome nose

Attach the gnome nose to the body.

Hot glue the nose just below the elastic band on the gnome body.

attaching the gnome nose

Cut out the gnome’s beard.

Measure the width of your gnome’s body and mark the back side of your faux fur.  You’ll want to cut a U shape so it looks like a beard.  You can draw this out on the back of your fur.

marking fake fur for gnome beard

Use an Exacto knife to cut the fur from the back side.  This prevents you from cutting into the fur strands and chopping them off.

Hold the fur tight with your fingers and slide the knife along the line you made.

cutting faux fur with exacto knife

Attach the gnome beard.

Tuck the fur under the gnome’s nose and pull up the sides a little.  Secure with hot glue.  Then set aside the gnome’s body.

applying hot glue to gnome beard

attaching DIY Valentine gnome beard

Make the gnome hat.

Turn the second mitten or sock inside out and place a small amount of hot glue at the tip.  Squeeze it together to create a pointy hat.

Add a little Polyfil if you want, but it’s not necessary.

applying hot glue to inside tip of gnome hat

Pinching tip of gnome hat

Attach the gnome hat to the body.

Place the hat onto the gnome body and secure with hot glue at the front just above the nose, back and both sides.

attaching gnome hat

Decorate the gnome hat.

Add a pom pom to the tip of the hat or a button or other embellishment.  You can also add an embellishment on the front of the hat.

Since this is a Valentine gnome, using heart embellishments is really cute.

adding decorations to gnome hat

You’re cute little gnome is finished.  Wasn’t that easy?!

Dollar Tree Valentine gnome diy


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