These tips for finding the right customers for your handmade business will increase your sales so you can make money in your craft business. Find the right people for your shop so you can start marketing on Instagram and social media in a way that helps you sell your items. Simple ideas for entrepreneurs of small businesses on how to make selling your diy products fun when you're talking to the ideal clients.

How Can I Get More Sales On Etsy?

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These tips for finding the right customers for your handmade business will increase your sales so you can make money in your craft business. Find the right people for your shop so you can start marketing on Instagram and social media in a way that helps you sell your items. Simple ideas for entrepreneurs of small businesses on how to make selling your diy products fun when you're talking to the ideal clients.

If you’re like most handmade sellers, you’re probably wondering “How can I get more sales on Etsy?”.  You’ve listed your products and now you’re sitting there waiting for the cha-chings to roll in, but it’s not going as fast as you’d hoped.  I’m going to help you increase your Etsy sales by getting the right customers to your handmade shop who want to buy what you’re selling.

These methods will also help if you sell on Amazon Handmade, your own website, craft fairs or anywhere.  Knowing who your ideal customer is will help you market your products to the right people and encourage more sales.

By having a customer avatar, you’ll be able to communicate with your ideal customer better on social media and through other marketing to get them to buy your products.  If you don’t know who you’re talking to, your message will be for no one and get ignored.  It’s like talking to a brick wall.  That’s not going to help your sales at all!

Knowing your customer also helps you create new products for your handmade shop that they will love and buy.  This is how you get best selling items on Etsy and Amazon.

You may think that your ideal customer is anyone who will buy something, but that’s just simply not true.  No matter what your product is, there is a specific type of person who would want or need your items.  You may have more than one target customer for a specific product or if you sell more than one product, you probably have at least one ideal customer for each product.

You can increase your Amazon and Etsy sales by getting the right customers.

So, I’ll use my own business as an example here.  I sell burlap placemats, table runners, coffee mats and cupcake wrappers.

My target customer for all of these products isn’t the same.  It’s ok to have more than one ideal customer. cupcake wrappers attract an audience that is throwing an event, usually a wedding, baby shower, or bridal shower.  I have a few different customer avatars for this product.  Brides, mothers of brides or mothers of pregnant daughters, and bridesmaids.  Burlap is typically a southern style.  So my ideal customer is from the south.

The target customers for the cupcake wrappers I sell are from the south.  They are planning a wedding, baby shower or bridal shower (usually a rustic or boho theme).  My cupcake wrappers are unique so she loves to have unique ideas for her parties that the guests will comment on.

My placemats and table runners ideal customer is also from the south.  She is 25-35 years old and is decorating her first family home with her husband or throwing her first holiday for the whole family.  She wants to set her table beautifully to impress the family.  Her decorating style is a simple modern farmhouse.  She has reached the point in her life that she is making good money now and doesn’t mind spending a little extra for things she wants.

My coffee mats have a target customer of coffee lovers.  My audience for this product is men and women 25-35 who own a fancy coffee machine and want to set up a cute coffee bar at home.  They also are looking for a gift for coffee lovers that is unique and not too expensive.

All of my products typically appeal to mostly the white demographic.

Hopefully those examples give you an idea of how to come up with an ideal customer profile.

Things to know about your ideal customer so you can attract them and make more sales in your handmade store:

  • Age – What age is your target customer?  It will usually be a span of about 10 years, but may be more in some cases.  To figure this out you may need to think of what stage of life they are in.  Are they just getting married?  Are they a new mom?  A grandma?  Knowing this information will not only help you develop new products, but also tell you which social media you’re most likely to find them on.
  • Gender – Are your customers more one gender or the other?  In my case, my ideal customers are mostly women.
  • Race/Ethnicity – Do your products appeal to one ethnic group more than others?
  • Household Income Level – Do they need expendable income to be your customer? Or is your product a necessity that people need regardless of their amount of income?
  • Education Level – Are they a college graduate, trained in a trade school, high school graduate, etc.
  • Occupation – Are they in a specific industry?  What level are they at in their occupation?  Brand new to the business or been doing what they do for years?
  • Where do they live? – Does your product appeal to a certain area of the country or specific states?  Do they live in a big city or small town?
  • Household Description — Are they married with kids, newly married, single, single with kids, living with a partner?  Do they live in a house or apartment?
  • Hobbies – What do your ideal customers like to do for fun?  Is their hobby something that they are fanatical about?
  • Interests – What do they love?
  • Favorite Entertainment Choices – Where do they get their news from? What type of music do they like? What TV shows do they watch? What are their favorite websites?
  • Fears and Pain Points–  What are their biggest fears or pain points that your product could help with?

Don’t get overwhelmed by trying to figure out every answer for finding your target customer.

When I used to read about creating an ideal customer avatar, I would think that I needed to have an answer to all of the questions right from the start.  It would totally overwhelm me and then I’d do nothing.  I’ve tried to simplify this concept for you so you don’t feel that way.

You’ll know some of these answers as soon as you make your product, but some will start to fill in as you begin to sell more products.

When your customer buys from you or favorites your item on Etsy, you can see their profile.  Click on it and see what photo they have as their profile picture.  Look at what other items they have favorited.  This information may help you answer some of the questions above.

Don’t be stressed if you only know a few of the answers at first.  As your sales increase, you’ll be able to write a whole story about your target customer.  The more you know, the more you can speak their language and help with their problems.  You’ll be able to reference TV shows or songs that they relate to on social media or in your marketing and build a connection with them.

And some of the questions you may never really know the answers to if they don’t apply to your handmade products.

You can use what you know about them to find hashtags for Instagram and other social media and get your products in front of the right customers.

Also, don’t feel that you only need to know the things on this list.  There may be other factors that are important to customers of your handmade business.  For instance, my cupcake wrappers appeal to brides having a certain type of wedding, usually outdoors or rustic theme.

Every piece of information you have can help you communicate with your audience better.  So use this list as a starting point, but you’ll learn so much more as you gather information about your target audience.

People want to be seen and know that someone else gets them.  This is the key to creating a relationship with your ideal customer.  Knowing the answers to the questions above will help you do that so you can increase your Etsy sales by getting the right customers to connect with you.

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